Saturday, January 26, 2008

see, I told you, a surprise!

Conclusion #1 of the South Carolina Primary: This year's polls are brought to you by Agents Of Chaos Dot Com. What can we say, the suspense is fun.

Conclusion #2 of the South Carolina Primary: Faith pays off.

Conclusion #3 of the South Carolina Primary: Hope is contagious.

Instead of rambling about what this means, I'll let Obama say it far better than I could and leave with the one question I'd most like to ask him. It's not a policy question, or a biography question, or a vision for America question, because in many cases other people have asked them already. The question that's eating me up inside is 99% frivolous, and it is whether the beginning of chapter 5 of Dreams from My Father is deliberate in its echoes of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. I'd just like to know.

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